July 31, 2024

V-Line Facial Slimming in Vancouver, BC

Learn About Vancouver Facial Slimming and V Line Options

A tenet of modern beauty ideals, the V-line facial slimming concept stems largely from Asian beauty standards, and refers to a sleek, slim, and pointed V-shape of the cheek-to-chin line from the front view. It is common to find that Asian patients may inherit genes from their parents that make them susceptible to having larger masseter muscles that widen the jawline, or perhaps a greater propensity to store buccal fat in the cheeks. These features are by no means limited to those of Asian descent, however. Any patient who feels that their face is too round, too wide, or too chubby particularly in the cheek-to-chin area may be a good candidate for V-line facial slimming procedures individualized to their anatomy.

Proper Diagnosis is Key: How V-Line Facial Slimming Can be Achieved Surgically and Non Surgically Based on Anatomy

There are a number of anatomical reasons that the face can appear to be wide or chubby. Facial slimming for Dr. Buonassisi's Vancouver patient's usually involve a combination of surgical and/or non surgical procedures, depending on the patient's anatomy.

  • Hypertrophic masseter muscle which makes the jaw look wide - experienced injectors with extensive surgical anatomy knowledge can inject neuromodulator wrinkle relaxers directly into the masseter muscle, over time shrinking its size and prominence
  • Buccal fat which makes the cheeks look puffy - the fat can be removed in a procedure called buccal fat removal from the inside of the mouth leaving no visible scars, or in some cases (depending on the patient's face) adding volume to the mid face can create a more heart shaped facial appearance and de-accentuate the jaw
  • Propensity to store fat under the chin or neck which make that area look undefined - A double chin surgery can be performed to tighten the platysma muscle
  • Lax platysma muscle (under the chin) that creates a poor neck angle on profile view
  • Flat cheeks or lack of volume in the mid face - can accentuate a wide or chubby looking face - adding dermal fillers to the mid face can create a more heart shaped appearance and de-accentuate a wide jaw or chubby cheeks

What Treatment is Right For Me?

That will depend on your facial anatomy, and if you prefer surgery or not. Aside from the treatment itself, the consultation with Dr. Buonassisi is by far the most important part of the process. We suggest you begin the process by taking advantage of our pre consultation- let us review your photos and provide some preliminary recommendations and cost information.

What is the Recovery From a Facial Slimming Procedure?

The recovery time really depends on what treatment is recommended for you based on your consultation with Dr. Buonassisi. In general, non surgical treatments have a shorter recovery than surgery with patients back to regular activities immediately but possible bruising or swelling that can last about 1 week. Facial slimming surgeries have approximately a 1 week recovery. We would be happy to help assess your face and make some preliminary recommendations during a complementary pre consultation.