Upper Eyelid Lift Surgery by a Vancouver Facial Plastic Surgeon with Over 18 Years Experience
Welcome to the website of Vancouver Blepharoplasty specialist, Dr. Thomas Buonassisi. He is a Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon with twenty years performing cosmetic eyelid surgery. Upper blepharoplasty, also known as eyelid surgery or eyelid lift, is a cosmetic surgery that removes or tightens sagging skin around the eyes, creating a smoother, more taut appearance. In addition to removing extra skin, this procedure often involves the removal of fat pockets that make eyes look puffy.
Dr. Buonassisi Specializes in Both Minimally Invasive and Traditional Eyelid Lifts
Sliver Blepharoplasty
Sliver blepharoplasty can be performed under varying levels of anesthesia, from fully awake to fully asleep. Many patients choose to have the procedure done while they are fully awake, with the help of local anesthesia. Dr. Buonassisi marks excess skin and a small amount of lidocaine is injected into the lids. The excess skin is then removed with surgical scissors, and the area is repaired with fine sutures. The procedure takes approximately thirty minutes, and if only local anesthesia is used, the patient can drive themselves home. Pain after the procedure is typically very mild and easily managed with Tylenol. Swelling and bruising are similarly mild. Generally speaking, patients are ready to be back in the public eye within a week.
Traditional Blepharoplasty
Some patients will benefit more from a traditional approach to an eyelid lift. Dr. Buonassisi will help determine the best approach for you during your surgical consultation. Typical candidates for upper eyelid lift surgery are men and women age 35+ who are noticing puffy and sagging upper eyelids. You may not be a candidate if you take prescription blood thinners such as warferin which you can not take a break from, or if you have chronic dry eye syndrome.
Other Options for Eyelid Rejuvenation
Upper eyelid lift surgery may be combined with a lower eyelid lift or with a browlift, depending on each patient's objectives and facial features. The consultation, aside from the surgery itself, is the most important part of the cosmetic surgery process. Schedule a consultation today to discover if this procedure is right for you. Dr. Buonassisi is an expert cosmetic eyelid surgeon and will assess your medical history and objectives. Have all your questions answered and expectations managed. Some patients will opt to try non surgical treatments instead of - or in combination with - surgery. Common no surgical options offered at 8 West Clinic include medical microneedling, laser resurfacing and dermal fillers. Although these treatments won't produce the same dramatic change as a surgical approach, they may be a good option for those patients wishing to avoid or postpone surgery, or who wish to achieve the best results possible with a combination of treatments.
How Upper Eyelid Lift Surgery Is Performed
Facial Plastic Surgeon Dr. Thomas Buonassisi is an expert in cosmetic blepharoplasty. He begins by carefully measuring the appropriate amount of skin to remove. The eyelid is injected with local anesthetic so that the patient feels minimal discomfort during the surgery. He makes a precise incision in the eyelid, ensuring that the scar will be hidden in the natural crease of the eyelid once healed. He carefully removes skin and underlying fat. The incision is closed with fine sutures and these remain in the eyelids for one week. Upper Eyelid Blepharoplasty surgery typically takes from 1 – 1.5 hours, and patients can return home the same day.
Benefits of Eyelid Lift Surgery
- Tightened upper eyelid skin and muscles
- Reduction in the bulging upper eyelid fat that causes eyelid puffiness
- More show of the upper eyelid crease makes the eyes look bigger
- Incisions are hidden in the upper eyelid crease
Eye Lid Lift Surgery Makes the Eyes Look More Youthful and Contoured
The eyes are one of the first parts of the face to show the signs of aging. This is due to a number of factors including, genetics, sun exposure and the natural aging process. As we age, we begin to notice changes that contribute to an overall tired look. In the upper and lower eyelids we begin to notice sagging and loose skin, and these structure begin to lose their firm texture. At the same time, fat deposits begin to bulge forward as we develop lax eyelid structures. In general, women have a hard time applying makeup like they used to, while men and women find that they look more tired or unhappy than they actually feel. Others feel that while the rest of their face looks youthful, their puffy eyes give away their true age, or make them look older than they are.
FAQs About Eyelid Lift Surgery
What Type of Anesthesia Do I Need for Upper Blepharoplasty?
Dr. Buonassisi uses a variety of anesthesia techniques depending on each patient's individual situation. In most cases, it is performed using local anesthesia with the option to take an oral sedative. Occasionally, when combined with other procedures, such as facelifts, a different type of anesthesia may be used.
Will I Have Bruising After Upper Blepharoplasty?
There will be some bruising in most cases. This usually lasts up to one week. Most patients are presentable and return to work within one to two weeks. Although they may look bruised and swollen for a week or so after the surgery, many patients are ready to be at their desk doing computer work earlier than that.
Are There Scars After Upper Blepharoplasty?
All surgeries result in scars. However, they are generally very difficult to see and appear invisible to the casual observer once they have fully healed. This is because the incision lines are carefully placed in the normal upper creases the eyelids.
How Old Do I Have to Be to Have an Upper Eyelid Lift?
There is no specific age when upper eyelid surgery is appropriate. Most patients seek consultations for this procedure after the age of 35. Having said that, some patients experience loose skin and puffy eyelids as a result of family genetics and may consider this surgery sooner.
What are the Risks of Upper Blepharoplasty?
Before surgery, you will have an in depth discussion with Dr. Buonassisi about the risks and benefits of the procedure. You will also receive an information packet that includes many of the major risks of this surgery as well as detailed pre and post surgery instructions. Fortunately, most surgery complications are infrequent and minor when performed by a competent facial plastic surgeon.
How Much Time Do I Need to Take Off Work?
This depends on your job. Some patients go back to desk work after 5 days. While recovery time varies with each individual, Dr. Buonassisi generally recommends at least 1 week of recovery. There may still be minor bruising and swelling after this time, though this can usually be disguised with make-up.
When Can I Exercise After Surgery?
You should avoid any significant strain or exercise in the first week after surgery in order to reduce swelling and promote healing. During the second week after surgery, you can begin light exercise, again avoid heavy lifting or sustained, strenuous aerobic exercise. After three weeks, you should be able to engage in your usual activities without restriction in most cases.
What Other Procedures can be Combined with Upper Blepharoplasty?
A number of other aesthetic procedures are often combined with upper eyelid surgery.
These include lower blepharoplasty, brow lift, facelift, necklift, and laser skin resurfacing