August 5, 2024

Typical Nasal Changes Achieved with Rhinoplasty

Typical Nasal Changes Achieved with Rhinoplasty

Is rhinoplasty surgery the magical solution you are looking for to achieve that one big change you want in your nose? Rhinoplasty is much more complicated than that, and Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon Dr. Buonassisi explains in the above video why that isn't exactly how it works. He goes into detail on some of the common particular features of the nose and how rhinoplasty surgery is an ideal or not ideal solution to improve it.

Download Dr. Buonassisi's Free eBook

Before we continue on about these important to know nasal changes, we would like to mention that at 8 West Clinic, we believe at the forefront that educated patients are happy patients, and this is why Dr. Buonassisi has compiled his 20 years experience performing rhinoplasty into a must read eBook. This is an essential tool for anyone considering cosmetic nasal surgery. Download your free copy now.

Have questions? Our team of experts is here to help. Speak to one of our patient care managers today by calling (604) 733-1669 or contact us here.

Typical Changes Achieved by Rhinoplasty

As a Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon, it is Dr. Buonassisi's job to create the best possible natural results for patients, and this often involves some work on more than just one feature of the nose to maintain a harmony. The following are some common examples of nasal changes executed during surgery that rhinoplasty can work to improve:

  • Hump reduction
  • Tip ptosis
  • Tip deprojection
  • Tip refinement

Not So Typical Changes Achieved by Rhinoplasty

The following are some common examples of commonly requested nasal changes that rhinoplasty is not effective at improving:

  • Shrinking a bulbous nose as a result of thick skin
  • Straightening an asymmetric or crooked nose
  • Augmentation for a generally smaller nose
  • Nostril reduction when alar base is at its smallest possible width