August 2, 2024

Tip Augmentation Case Study Part 2

Augmentation Rhinoplasty Part 2 Showing Tip Augmentation

Video transcript: On her base view what we really want to do is augment the position of her tip and in fact we want to push it forward so it comes away from from the face further. The first thing that we do is we use the first cartilage called the columellar strut and that actually sits between the two tip cartilages to support them and project them forward. The second thing we do is we put more cartilage on top of that again to push the skin in a forward direction and last thing is we put is something called a shield graft and and that shield graft camouflages all the those other grafts and gives it a nice smooth contour to the tip of her nose.

This is the before and after view of this patient, you cant see it because I have used the shield graft but there is a strut of cartilage in here also two cap grafts at the top which are pushing the skin forward and that is why her tip is projecting away from her face more, essentially it is projecting further forward because it is being pushed by the cartilage grafts that I have placed.

For more information about Augmentation Rhinoplasty, please take a look at these useful videos: