August 2, 2024

Rhinoplasty Hump Reduction Case Study 1

Rhinoplasty Hump Reduction Case Study 1

Video transcript: We are doing a case study of a patient who required hump reduction. When I saw this person pre operatively I identified that her bridge was modestly high it certainly is not a large hump so she needed a very conservative hump reduction. I also noticed that her tip position in terms of projection and rotation were ideal so I thought in her case a straight forward hump reduction with no other particular manoeuvres other than maintaining her tip position was required.

I recommended a hump reduction and what we did was we take down the cartilage portion of the hump and the bone portion hump and that is taken out of course from underneath the skin. That red section is the area that is removed and so once that is removed it allows the skin to settle down. So this is her post operative result her bridge height is now just slightly lower than the tip which is ideal for women. Her tip position in terms of how it is rotated away from the lip is the same as it was before and so is the projection of her tip. So this is probably a situation where just a hump reduction was required.