August 5, 2024

Medical and Cosmetic Risks of Double Eyelid Surgery

Medical & Cosmetic Risks of Double Eyelid Surgery

Video transcript: The categories that we talk about when we talk about risks for eyelid surgery are medical risk and cosmetic risks.

The medical risks include bleeding and infection which are risks from any surgery, of course we are working around the eyes so these problems if they occur can potentially cause problems with vision and this is extremely rare.

Cosmetic risks include things like asymmetry. This is an important point to discuss because the eyelids are actually two surgery sites. We are creating a crease on two individual eyelids, each of them has slightly different anatomy. It's not generally possible to make them perfectly symmetric because most eyes are not perfectly symmetric. That is something that patients need to be aware that if they look at their creases very closely.

I think as well as part of the recovery particularly with an incisional technique there's quite significant swelling of the eyelids and that actually changes the position of the crease temporarily. So, most of our patients notice that the crease looks very high in the initial post operative period and although that's not really a complication it is really something we expect. I think that is something people need to be prepared for and realize that it does take time for them to get their final cosmetic result.