July 31, 2024

How the Face Ages

Advances in Facial Rejuvenation and Skin Rejuvenation with Dr. Buonassisi

The aging process is natural and unavoidable. Some of us choose to accept it, while others see no reason to look older than they feel. For those of us who would like to take matters into their owns hands, it helps to start off by learning about how our faces change over time. Advances in medical technologies mean that many options exist for dealing with the signs of aging - from noninvasive with subtle improvements and short downtimes, to invasive with dramatic improvements and longer downtimes. Let's explore some of the typical changes such as wrinkles, facial volume loss, skin laxity and hyperpigmentation and learn more about the vast array of options for preventing and improving age-related changes.

At 8 West Clinic, we specialize in the complete spectrum of surgical and nonsurgical treatments and have a 15-year track record of success in helping our patients achieve their goals. Facial Plastic Surgeon Dr. Thomas Buonassisi works alongside his team of skin and face specialists at his Vancouver, BC skin and surgical clinic. Thankfully, medical advances mean that there are an array of treatments that can prevent and correct the signs of aging. With the thousands of options available when it comes to skin rejuvenation, it is no wonder if you are having a hard time selecting the best course of action. A consultation with a skin and face specialist at 8 West Clinic will help uncover the reasons for the changes you are seeing in your face. We are like personal trainers for your skin, believe strongly in skin fitness, and can help you get your skin back into shape just the way you get your body back into shape with exercise. We specialize in developing treatment plans that take into consideration your budget, tolerance for downtime, and desired degree of improvement.

How the Face Ages

With every passing birthday, we see changes in our faces. The signs of aging creep up on us. Subtle signs such as fine lines, changes in skin texture and facial volume loss alter our faces subtly when we are young, and then accumulate to produce noticeable changes over the years. It used to be widely considered that the aging process was inevitable, but major advances in medical technologies have shown that looking our age is an option, not a requirement. In addition to eating well, getting exercise and protecting our skin from the sun, other anti-aging treatments can help you look younger for much longer.

Typical Age-Related Changes and Why They Happen

The aging process is quite predictable in that many of us will see the same changes over the years, although the rate at which they appear depends largely on genetics and lifestyle. Here are some of the typical changes we see:

  • Fine Lines and Wrinkles: Many of us notice fine lines in our early to late 20s, and the rate at which they appear depends on genetics and sun exposure. Wrinkles start off as fine lines, come in all shapes and sizes, and the way to treat them depends on whether they are dynamic or static, where they are, how pronounced they are and how much of an improvement the patient wishes to achieve. There are a variety of ways to treat wrinkles including Wrinkle Relaxing Injections and skin resurfacing.
  • Deepened Wrinkles and Changes in Skin Texture: Sun damage and the natural aging process creates changes that are visible on the outside but that start in the dermis layer of the skin. Skin resurfacing treatments can be done in two ways: chemical resurfacing or laser resurfacing. Resurfacing is totally customizable to the patient. The degree of resurfacing could be very superficial or much deeper depending on how damaged the skin is and how much of an improvement the patient is hoping to see.
  • Skin Discoloration or Hyperpigmentation: Sun exposure during childhood and as young adults starts to show on our faces as early as our late 20s, and gets worse over time. Hyperpigmentation (also known as sun spots and brown spots) appears where we often see the sun, such as on our cheeks, noses, and foreheads.
  • Vascular Conditions: In our 30s, we start to notice other changes in our skin such as vascular conditions like cherry angiomas (red lesions that can be very small or larger) and spider veins (telangiectasias) around the nose and cheeks. Many of us are challenged by chronic conditions such as rosacea. Vascular conditions are addressed with vascular laser treatments.
  • Facial Volume Loss & Changes in Face Shape: If you think your face looks differently shaped than it did when you were younger, you are right. Our faces change over time thanks to facial volume loss in the form of both fat and bone. Many patients notice subtle changes in their faces around their mid to late 30s, when facial volume loss begins. If you feel "less pretty than before" but you can't explain why, then facial volume loss is likely the cause. Dermal fillers are an excellent way to treat changes in the shape of the face and deepening lines and depressions as we age.
  • Skin Laxity & Sagging Structures: Intrinsic and extrinsic factors cause skin laxity. The natural aging process, genetics, diet and exercise, stress and illness, lifestyle, sun exposure, weight fluctuations, exposure to toxins all make a meaningful contribution. We start to lose collagen in our skin in our 20s and when this is combined with facial volume loss in our 30s, we start to notice extra skin above and below the eyelids, facial folds, and sagging structures such as jowls and turkey neck. Skin tightening treatments stimulate collagen production and help make the skin denser and more youthful.

What Treatment is Best for You?

There are thousands of treatments available that claim to improve the signs of aging. It is no wonder if you aren't sure what to try. We've developed a comprehensive guide to skin rejuvenation which explains the many categories of treatments to improve the skin and the face.

Book a Consultation Today

Dr. Buonassisi and his team of facial rejuvenation specialists create treatment plans that are effective and appropriate given your objectives, budget, and tolerance for downtime. Contact us today and be one step closer to loving your skin.