July 30, 2024

Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Rhinoplasty

Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Rhinoplasty

Is your desire for rhinoplasty driven by a disorder? A common finding that can be seen among many of Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon Dr. Thomas Buonassisi's patients that are seeking cosmetic surgery is the possibility of body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) motivating their decision to turn to facial surgery.

To Dr. Buonassisi, taking in a patient for surgery who could be suffering from the body image disorder would be a disservice, as going through with it can never serve as the be-all end-all answer to the patient's unhappiness with their appearance. Those with BDD should first be treated for it because, as much as they'll disagree, their perceptions of themselves and their objectives are not going to be realistic. To know if you or someone in your life may be suffering from BDD, Dr. Buonassisi has listed some of the signs and symptoms, which he has discussed in the above video.

Download Dr. Buonassisi's Free eBook

Before we continue onto the symptoms of BDD, we would like to mention that at 8 West Clinic, we believe at the forefront that educated patients are happy patients, and this is why Dr. Buonassisi has compiled his 20 years experience performing rhinoplasty into a must read eBook. This is an essential tool for anyone considering cosmetic nasal surgery. Download your free copy now.

Have questions? Our team of experts is here to help. Speak to one of our patient care managers today by calling (604) 733-1669 or contact us here.

Signs and Symptoms of Body Dysmorphic Disorder

The following are examples of some of the telltale signs that one could be suffering from body dysmorphic disorder:

  • Obsessions about their appearance lasting hours or entire days
  • Difficulty focusing on matters other than the imperfection
  • Low self esteem
  • Problems at work or school
  • Repetitive compulsive behaviours

Are you or someone you know constantly looking at a perceived flaw in the mirror, completely avoiding mirrors, constantly comparing with others, or constantly covering up the flaw? Is performance at work or school declining with reasons any bit traceable to the flaw? Has a normal sense of confidence become diminished?

Anyone with possible BDD who is toying with the idea of rhinoplasty—or any type of plastic surgery—should be treated psychiatrically. Finding a plastic surgeon who will take them in with no apprehension and then going forth with surgery is not going to be the solution that ultimately makes them happy.