July 31, 2024

Are Free Radicals Prematurely Aging Your Skin?

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You may have heard the term "antioxidants" but what exactly does that mean? And what is the importance of incorporating them into your skincare regime? The truth is, high quality antioxidants are key to protect against most forms of premature aging. At 8 West Clinic, our team of medical aestheticians and skin experts can truly transform the quality and appearance of your skin using the latest in medical grade laser and skin treatments but in order to maintain those amazing results you need to continue to fight the battle against premature aging in between treatments.

What Causes Premature Aging?

The biggest factor contributing to premature aging is sun damage, which causes upwards of 90%. But, what we sometimes forget about is another sneaky culprit - free radical damage. Free radicals are all around us all the time and they cause damage by breaking down the healthy skin cells. Unfortunately there isn't much we can do to deter the environmental damage around us but what we can do is protect ourselves.

What can we do to Treat & Prevent Premature Aging?

The best thing we can do to protect our skin against the environmental pollution that surrounds us is to apply a powerful antioxidant topically to our skin each and every morning. L'ascorbic acid has been clinically proven to be one of the best topical antioxidants for preventing free radical damage and premature aging. There are many types and strengths of L-ascorbic acid on the market, so ensure you are using a pharmaceutical grade strength of at least 10% - 20% to really penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin for the most effective protection.

At 8 West Clinic, we carry extremely effective medical grade skincare brands with proven results such as Skinceuticals, ZO Skin Health, and Image Skincare. Book a complimentary consultation to speak with one of our medical aestheticians about which products are right for you, and take the first step toward loving your skin.