August 5, 2024

A Stepwise Approach to the Lower Face

A Stepwise Approach to the Lower Face

Video transcript: I think it's important to examine the face to determine what age related changes are bothersome for the patient. This person has some early signs of aging including early jowl formation and some blunting of the mento-cervical angle.

Here are some more significant changes with a bit of laxity of the neck and jaw line. And in this example, we are seeing quite severe changes.

Mu objective in facial rejuvenation surgery is to manage the risk and reward. In terms of risk, we're talking mostly about recovery time because. This is because the more substantial the surgery, the larger the skin flap we elevate, with the potential of more swelling and bruising.

When we're talking about risk we are really talking more about recovery time and how much recovery a patient can tolerate, and this really depends on their situation in life. If they need to get back to work in a week, then recovery time is more of an issue than for someone who can take 3 or 4 weeks off.

We want to perform the procedure that is the least invasive but still gives the patient the result that they need. In someone who perhaps has a lax jaw line but otherwise a very tight neck, they probably don't need a full facelift, they could probably have a short incision lift that would absolutely correct the jaw line without the need of extensive surgery in the neck.