August 2, 2024

5 Steps to Successful Hump Reduction

5 Steps to Successful Hump Reduction

Getting rid of a bump on the bridge of the nose is one of the most common reasons that people pursue rhinoplasty. With two decades of experience as a Board Certified rhinoplasty specialist, Dr. Buonassisi is expert on what makes a successful hump reduction surgery, and he shares his expertise in the above video.

Download Dr. Buonassisi's Free eBook

Before we continue on with Dr. Buonassisi about the 5 step process to hump reduction success, we would like to mention that at 8 West Clinic, we believe at the forefront that educated patients are happy patients, and this is why Dr. Buonassisi has compiled his 20 years experience performing rhinoplasty into a must read eBook. This is an essential tool for anyone considering cosmetic nasal surgery. Download your free copy now.

Have questions? Our team of experts is here to help. Speak to one of our patient care managers today by calling (604) 733-1669 or contact us here.

The Process

The following process helps ensure the success of each hump reduction that Dr. Buonassisi performs at 8 West Cosmetic Surgery.

1. Nasal Examination.

Prior to surgery I will look inside your nose in order to assess a) if a hump reduction may affect your breathing and b) whether or not the procedure can be done safely. If you are at a risk of degraded breathing, not to worry – we can most likely discuss various surgical approaches to minimize your risk and select the option that works best for you.

2. Rhinoplasty Assessment.

This step includes a review of your entire face – not just your nose – in order to assess the position of the radix and determine the degree to which your hump can be reduced. For best results, most patients require subtle changes to the tip of their nose (through tip rotation or tip projection) in addition to hump reduction*; we'll discuss this aspect of the procedure as well.(*Remember, one of the most obvious giveaways that a patient has had rhinoplasty is when the hump is reduced but the tip is not rotated. This often results in an odd-looking curve called a “polly beak” that looks unnatural.)

3. Patient Objectives.

At this point we'll discuss your rhinoplasty goals, including how much you'd like to have your hump reduced. In order to ensure you have realistic expectations around your results, I'll use this opportunity to thoroughly explain any surgical limitations you may need to be aware of before going ahead with the surgery.

4. Computer Imaging.

This critical rhinoplasty tool is essential to show you what degrees of change are possible and what your results could look like. Using “before” photos of your face taken from different angles, I'll be able to show you on a computer screen what your nose will very closely resemble after surgery.

5. Surgical Plan.

We will then discuss the surgical plan going forward, including whether any grafts will be used (e.g., if you have very thin skin and require a dramatic hump reduction, spreader grafts may be required to camouflage irregularities; radix grafts may be necessary for a radix that is severely set back).In our experience, well-informed patients are happy patients. Though hump reduction surgery has very high rates of satisfaction, having a thorough consultation with a specialist beforehand is key.