8 West Clinic



The decision to go for rhinoplasty should be made with the utmost level of care and attention. Learn more about how Board Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon Dr. Thomas Buonassisi and his knowledgeable team will guide you through the whole process of your rhinoplasty experience.

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Learn if Rhinoplasty is right for you

What to Expect in your Pre-Assessment Call

A pre-assessment is a complimentary service that we recommend to anyone considering rhinoplasty. Our knowledgeable patient care managers will be glad to discuss the process with you and answer your questions. All this plus:

Review of your photos to determine if rhinoplasty is right for you

Cost of your surgery

Possible dates of your surgery

If you are a candidate and are feeling ready for the next step, you will then meet with Dr. Buonassisi for a surgical consultation in person (or online if you are an out-of-town patient).

The surgical consultation is by far the most important part of the cosmetic surgery process because this is where you and your surgeon review your possible outcomes and go through expectations-setting with the help of computer imaging.

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The Essential Guide to Rhinoplasty

The Essential Guide to Rhinoplasty is a must-read for anyone considering nasal surgery. The downloadable eBook contains 40+ pages of thoughtfully written advice by one of Canada’s top rhinoplasty surgeons.

Topics covered include:

  • Are Your Expectations Realistic?
  • Tips for Getting a Great Result
  • How to Ask the Right Questions
  • What to Expect from Recovery
  • And many more tips and additional resources!

This downloadable eBook comes free with your complimentary pre-assessment discussion with a patient care manager, if requested, and is a great resource to read through.

Get the e-book

Watch a Real Patient's Rhinoplasty Experience with Dr. Buonassisi


Description of the review, this text will be replaced by the actual reviews on load

Wayne P

Dr. Buonassisi performed a procedure on my son's nose to smooth out a bump prior to the start of the pandemic. Honestly was the best thing for him. Very happy with the result and made a big difference on his outlook and how he viewed himself. Way less self conscious and much happier.

Mrym M

I had a great experience at 8 West clinic! The staff were super helpful and friendly. Dr. Buonassisi was very honest and upfront about the work he could do for me. He was concerned about my health and truthfully gave me options to think about and spent the necessary time with me.

Agata R.

My experience with Dr Buonassisi and his wonderful staff went over and beyond my expectation. I recommend him and his clinic with all of my heart for anyone considering a rhinoplasty! He has changed my life for the better and I will always be grateful.

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Get the conversation started

Tell us what you’re interested in and we’ll introduce you to your dedicated Patient Care Manager who will be reaching out for a pre-assessment call⁠.

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