February 20, 2013

Will I be Happy with My Rhinoplasty Results

Will I be Happy with My Rhinoplasty Results

This is the burning question that all patients have. If only there was a way to know in advance if you will be happy with your result. In reality, there is a way to know. Rhinoplasty specialists with extensive experience doing surgery and consultations learn the art of helping to predict their patient's results and communicating to them before hand if they will be happy or not. This expectations setting should happen during the surgical consultation, along with these other key things:

  1. See a surgeon who is a rhinoplasty specialist and has a proven track record of producing great rhinoplasty results. Most cosmetic surgeons list rhinoplasty as one of the procedures they offer but this is by no means a guarantee that they are a rhinoplasty specialist. See tips on how to know if a surgeon specializes in rhinoplasty.
  2. Insist on computer imaging. Some surgeons use it and some don't. Computer imaging is one of the most important parts of a quality rhinoplasty consultation and allows you to see what changes the surgeon proposes to make. Rhinoplasty specialists use computer imaging to show the patient - based on their extensive experience performing nose job surgery - what changes are POSSIBLE, not what changes are HOPEFUL. In the hands of an expert, you can expect your results to be very similar to your computer imaging.
  3. Pick a surgeon who has an eye for the changes that will look fantastic on you. Trusting your nose and ultimately your appearance to a surgeon takes a lot of trust. You can find out more about how your surgeon will know what looks good.
  4. Have appropriate expectations of the benefits. Expectations setting is the responsibility of your surgeon. Some surgeons are excellent at it and some aren't. Find out how to evaluate the effectiveness of your consultation.
  5. Be informed of the possibility of cosmetic complications. A discussion of complications, both medical and cosmetic, should happen during your consultation. Surgeon's with well defined consulting processes will inform you of the possibility of the cosmetic complications that could happen to you. Learn about the most common rhinoplasty limitations.

Remember - rhinoplasty is without question the most complicated of all cosmetic surgeries to master. When performed by a specialist, patients are typically thrilled with their results. Do your research and take the time to research your surgeon's credentials. Facial plastic surgeon Dr. Buonassisi performs computer imaging as part of his consultation. This is an invaluable tool for communicating what is possible with surgery.

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