January 10, 2013

What is a Polly Beak Deformity

What is a Polly Beak Deformity

A pollybeak deformity isa characteristic nasal shape that can develop as a result of previous rhinoplasty. It is characterized by a downward projection and curve of the nasal tip in conjunction with prominance of the supratip area of the bridge. This combination can give the nose the appearance of a bird like beak. You can see an pollybeak infographic that shows what this feature looks like.

Although various factors contribute to the risk of a Pollybeak deformity, it is considered a complication that can to a large degree be controlled by your surgeon through the use of proper rhinoplasty surgery principles.

Risk factors including thick skin, soft nasal tip cartilages, incomplete hump reduction and poor healing. This complication can be reduced by thorough assessment of each patient's risk factors and the choice of ideal surgical techniques to support the tip and prevent supratip swelling.

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