January 10, 2013

What Are The Cosmetic Risks of Rhinoplasty?

What Is a Cosmetic Complication?

The discussion of the possible cosmetic risks of rhinoplasty is often under addressed in rhinoplasty consultations. Expert rhinoplasty surgeons have well defined consultation procedures and will be able to predict the complications that each patient might be at risk for, then set their expectations so the patient can make an informed decision.

Cosmetic complications of rhinoplasty can be categorized two ways:

  1. Minor Expected Complications (that your surgeon can influence but not control)
  2. More Serious Complications (that your surgeon can influence and control through the use of solid rhinoplasty principles and techniques)

Minor Expected and Unpreventable Complications

These occur in roughly 10% of patients and refer to unfavorable or unexpected irregularities. They are minor complications (irregularities) that are relatively uncommon and often not perceptible to the patient or others. What this means is that there are very small, difficult to see irregularities.

Rhinoplasty patients are not usually bothered by these minor cosmetic complications if 1) they were informed about the possibility of them happening during the pre-operative consultation and 2) they aren't striving for perfection. Be sure that you ask your surgeon what potential complications apply to you, given your existing nasal features and their surgical plan.

Minor cosmetic complications can include:

  • recurrence of a hump
  • slight descent of nasal tip position
  • slight twisting of the nose
  • minor visible irregularities
  • under or over correction

More Dramatic and Preventable Cosmetic Complications

These are more dramatic complications and can often be prevented with good surgical technique. We consider these to be quite serious because the visual effect is quite noticeable to the patient and to others. When performed by a rhinoplasty specialist, the following cosmetic complications happen in less than 1% of patients. When performed by inexperienced surgeons, we would expect the complication rate to be much higher.

  • polly beak deformity
  • inverted v deformity

What potential cosmetic complications apply to you?

Expert rhinoplasty surgeons are trained to predict the changes might happen to your nose after surgery and plan to prevent them with the techniques they select for you. Dr. Buonassisi performs a comprehensive rhinoplasty analysis and discusses risks and complications with all of his patients. Schedule a consultation today.

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