February 20, 2013

Tips & Advice for the Bride to Be Having Rhinoplasty

Tips & Advice for the Bride to Be Having Rhinoplasty

Congratulations! Are you thinking about having rhinoplasty before your wedding? How very exciting! An upcoming wedding is one of the most common reasons Dr. Buonassisi's patients report as their motivation for having rhinoplasty. We are well aware of the stress you have going on as you plan your wedding and try to fit surgery into work or school commitments. Not to mention figuring out what to tell (or not tell) the in laws.

6 Months Is Ideal...3 Months is Acceptable

So the big question is...how long before your wedding should you have surgery? "In a perfect world" says Dr. Buonassisi, "have surgery 6 months before your wedding. But if you are like most brides, timing is tight. 3 months prior to surgery is acceptable as long as you aware of the possibility of a very small amount of residual swelling being present on your wedding day."

For most patients, by 3 months post operative mark, the vast majority of swelling is gone and patients are seeing what is close to being their final result. However, some patients, especially those with thick skin who are hoping for a more refined nasal tip - may have a tiny amount of swelling (which is probably only noticeable to them) hanging around that camouflages that refinement. But all in all, any bride who had surgery 3 months before their wedding should be looking and feeling great.

Plan Ahead to Reduce Pre Wedding Stress

Worrying about having visible bruising and swelling in wedding photos is stress you don't need. If you can give yourself 6 months, do so. If you only have 3 months, then go for it, but carefully consider what would happen and how you would feel if you experienced one of the cosmetic complications or rhinoplasty. Medical complications are extremely rare, however cosmetic complications do occur.

Our Bride Patients Contributed Some Advice

Knowing how important it is for brides to be to feel prepared, I spoke to patients of ours who had surgery before their wedding and asked them to provide tips for others considering the same. Here are the most common comments that our patients suggested you consider:

  1. Think about what, if anything, to tell your family - It is up to you to decide if your nose job is your mother in law's business or not. If you are having a dramatic change, it may be best to be up front about your surgery since people will be able to notice a difference anyways. If you decide to keep hush, here are some of the most common fibs that patients tell when they want to keep their surgery a secret
  2. Get your fiance involved - After all he loves you and will support you with this decision. He can be a valuable resource, give you a hug when you need one, and think of great questions your ask your surgeon during the consultation. Having a second opinion on your computer imaging is helpful too.
  3. Take advantage of that downtime - While you are at home recovering, take advantage of that time to plan plan plan your wedding! This is a good time to work on the menu, liaise over the phone with your planner, or finalize color themes. Stick to light work that you can do at home and doesn't require any running around or carrying heavy boxes.
  4. Plan for the post surgery blues - Some patients report feeling a little down in the first couple of weeks after surgery when you are stuck at home - knowing this is possible is half the battle. Check out our "Beating the Post Surgery Blues" Tips and plan ahead.
  5. If you have amazing bridesmaids...ask them to help! Have them over while you recover for a planning session/support chat. They will help you feel better about how are looking during this temporary time of bruising and swelling, and keep your mind off things with talk of your wedding.

It is important to consult a rhinoplasty specialist prior to considering this surgery, especially when it is in advance of such an important life event. Schedule your consultation well in advance so you can have your choice of surgery days with plenty of time recovery before the big day. Dr. Buonassisi will help determine the changes that are appropriate and will highlight your natural beauty on your wedding day.

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