April 15, 2013

Should You Be Honest About Your Rhinoplasty?

Should You Be Honest About Your Rhinoplasty?

Rhinoplasty is a highly personal decision; who and how much you tell about your nose job is up to you. If you're agonizing over whether to be honest or give family, friends and others an alternate explanation for any physical changes they notice after your surgery, read on.

Your Prerogative

There is no right or wrong here - do what feels right for you. Some patients are very comfortable - even excited - to share the process with friends and family. Some even document their experience online for the whole world to see! Others, meantime, prefer to keep the matter private. The good news is, a well-executed nose job by a rhinoplasty specialist is usually so subtle, many people won't guess you had surgery - they'll just marvel at how good you look!

Big Changes

Rhinoplasty, of course, differs from patient to patient; inevitably, some candidates require more work than others. If you're looking at the kind of surgery that will dramatically change your nose, you may decide to embrace your right to improve and enhance your physical self as you please and be truthful when people ask, ''Did you get a nose job?''

Common Practice

If you can't decide whether to be open about your nose job or not, consider this: cosmetic surgery is far more common these days than you may think. Some sources say hundreds of thousands of rhinoplasty surgeries are done in North America each year! While the decision to undergo surgery requires careful thought and consideration on your part, others may not be as shocked by your choice as you may think.

Different Folks & Suitable Stories

Though you may want to share your plans and progress with family members and close friends, you're by no means required to tell every last person in your life the same story. Feel free to feed colleagues, classmates and anyone else you'd rather not let in on the secret a reasonably believable story that will explain your absence from work or school as well as any lingering signs of surgery and/or changes in appearance. You may want to take some time during your recovery to think about what you'll say - and who you'll say it to. We've got some ideas for you if your looking for believable stories to explain your surgery.

Pick a Pal

On the day of your surgery you must ask someone to drive you home after the procedure and (preferably) spend the night in case you need help in the first 24 hours. This, of course, means at least one person in your life will know about your nose job. Choose someone you feel close to, who you can trust, particularly if you want to keep it a secret from the rest of the world. Ask this person to please keep the matter private, emphasizing the fact that you'd really like to keep your rhinoplasty under wraps.

Stick to Your Story

If you decide to tell a ''small tale,'' you'll likely want to stay consistent in repeating it to multiple people. Varying even the tiniest detail from one person to the next could arouse suspicion and may eventually force you to reveal more than you intended about your rhinoplasty. On the other hand, if you decide to be honest, consider how you'll position yourself: will you reveal your reasons for rhinoplasty in a positive or a negative light? Again, there's no judgment here. You just need to do what's right for you.

At 8 West Cosmetic Surgery, we keep all patient information highly confidential. Your before-and-after photos are not made public (in our office or on our website) without your written consent. Call to book a consultation with Dr. Buonassisi today.

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