June 11, 2013

Should I Take My Regular Prescriptions Before and After My Rhinoplasty?

Should I Take My Regular Prescriptions Before and After My Rhinoplasty?

Dr. Buonassisi will have discussed your medical and prescriptions history with you during your rhinoplasty consultation and prescribed your medications accordingly. Please be sure to disclose all the medications that you take both to Dr. Buonassisi and your pharmacist to ensure there is no risk of drug interactions.

Generally speaking, you can continue taking all medications and prescriptions as usual both before and after your surgery - with the exception of blood thinners. The spectrum of blood thinners to avoid includes:

  • blood thinning medications prescribed by your family physician - so long as you have permission from the prescribing physician to stop taking them temporarily
  • supplements and over the counter medications that have blood thinning side  effects - see our list of medications to avoid before surgery and after surgery

What About the Day of Surgery When I Am Fasting?

Your pre and post operative instructions will ask you to fast before your surgery. It is preferred that you wait to take your birth control pills and other daily medications such as thyroid until after surgery so that you don't have anything in your stomach. Depending on your surgery start time, this may mean that you don't take your medications until later in the afternoon when you get home. Please consider this carefully from a family planning perspective. If you don't feel comfortable holding off on your daily medications until after your surgery, please call your patient care manager to discuss.

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