January 20, 2017

Metagenics Clear Change Challenge Final Results

We have reached the finish line of the Metagenics Clear Change Cleanse challenge in our office, and we couldn't be feeling better or more energetic. Though it wasn't always easy, having a team to do the cleanse with was a blessing, and we've recorded our final results as well as our live-show check in below.

metagenics cleansing kit promo

Final Results of the 8 West Team

Talking with our team after the cleanse is up, we noticed a similarity in everyone's results: high energy levels and energy that stays even-keel throughout the day being one, as well as better digestion, feeling "lighter" and less bloated, and feeling more prepared to create and eat healthy meals on the regular.

metagenics clear change cleanse day 10

So, after the 10 days of detoxing with the Metagenics Clear Change Challenge at our office, what are the biggest takeaways for each of our team members? We had a check in after day 10 to discuss the cleanse and see what we could offer for cleanse first-timers.

  • Dr. Buonassisi: Coming from an Italian family, the meal plan during the cleanse was radically different than what Dr. Buonassisi is used to eating on the regular, but this has become a wonderful change that he plans to continue with regularly.
  • Alex: Alex's best improvement was not needing to rely on coffee for her energy. She is especially enjoying her even energy levels that remain throughout the day, and no longer experiencing a drop in energy during the afternoon hours.
  • Erin: Erin was also very habitually and physically addicted to caffeine, and while the first few days of the cleanse were very difficult, she's surprised with her level of success during the cleanse in cutting coffee from her diet. Having now introduced coffee back into her diet, it is now less than half of what it was before the cleanse, and she is using almond milk without sugar or cream.

Suggestions for the Cleanse

  • If you have kids, Natasha says it's especially great to do a cleanse. Her son started snacking on veggies with hummus.
  • The best suggestion from Alex is to drink a lot of water. This helps tremendously with caffeine and sugar withdrawals, especially during the first few days of the cleanse.
  • Be prepared. Everyone who went through the 10 day cleanse agrees that being prepared for the cleanse with the right ingredients stocked away in your kitchen is key to success during your detox.
  • Katie recommends looking at what you are allowed to eat for the meal plans each day and being more creative with your meals, as opposed to just strictly following the suggested meal plan.

Keep Yourself Going Through a Cleanse

Healthy foods for the metagenics clear change cleanse
Healthy foods for the metagenics clear change cleanse
  • Decaf tea is recommended by Angie, which will help significantly to replace your morning cup of coffee.
  • Hot water with lemon is another soothing drink that helps with the lack of coffee, especially if the addiction is more of a habitual thing.
  • Saffron and fresh herbs are recommended by Katie, which will help significantly to add flavour to your meals.
  • A team or partner to do the cleanse with is recommended by everyone - this will help to keep you encouraged throughout the cleanse.

Join us on our Cleanse Journey

Are you ready to undertake this detoxing journey to feel your very best? We want you to join us on this detoxifying journey and we are currently offering free BIA testing with our ROHP, Katie, as well as 15% off your own cleanse kit.

Watch our live show from after the cleanse here, and be sure to book your free consultation before the end of the promotion on Jan. 29th.

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Tell us what you’re interested in and we’ll introduce you to your dedicated Patient Care Manager who will be reaching out for a pre-assessment call⁠.