January 12, 2017

Metagenics Clear Change Challenge Day 3

Yesterday was Day 3 of the Metagenics Clear Change 10 Day Program, of which our entire team is currently embarking upon together, and we got to check in with two of our team members - Alex and Natasha - to see how they were doing and feeling. Read on to hear their results and watch their live show from yesterday as well.

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Day 3 of Your Cleanse

The first two days of the cleanse, you eat relatively normally, although you cut out caffeine and sugar. Day three is called elimination time, during which you start to take out seeds and nuts, oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa, and grains from your diet. Relying mostly on shakes for day 3's diet, many people report that day 3 is the most challenging one of the Metagenics Clear Change 10 Day program.

Natasha's Day 3 Experience

metagenics clear change cleanse
  • Energy level: Natasha's energy was pretty high on day 3 of the cleanse. She rated herself a 7/8 out of 10, which was a big increase from the day prior.
  • Caffeine/sugar withdrawals: Natasha said she had a headache overnight on the first night of the cleanse, was cranky on the second day, but seemed to be getting better on day 3 in terms of caffeine and sugar withdrawals.
  • Biggest challenge: Natasha reported having higher stress levels than normal, particularly during her morning drive in to the office.
  • Mood: Natasha was pretty upbeat on day 3, rating herself a 7 out of 10.
  • Surprising cravings: Natasha reported that she was really surprised about her cravings for carbs and bread, especially because bread isn't a regular part of her normal diet.

Alex's Day 3 Experience

metagenics clear change cleanse
  • Energy level: Alex rated herself an energy level 4, on a scale of 1-10, which was about the same as the day prior.
  • Caffeine/sugar withdrawals: Alex said her caffeine and sugar withdrawals were at about the same level as they were the day before, on day 2, though she hadn't experienced any headaches yet on the morning of day 3. She experienced headaches the first couple days of the cleanse and first thing in the morning on day 2.
  • Biggest challenge: Alex's biggest challenge on the cleanse so far is the habitual
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  • Morning routine of drinking a cup of coffee: "Not being able to have my morning coffee on my way to work. Something just felt like it was missing as I was getting ready this morning. I tried to replace my morning coffee with the shake, but it wasn't the same!"
  • Mood: Despite her challenges with caffeine cravings and a lack of energy, Alex's would was also quite upbeat on day 3. She rated herself a 7 or 8 out of 10.
  • Surprising cravings: In terms of the biggest surprise cravings, Alex said "It's really surprising how addicted I was to sugary foods and caffeine. I'm craving foods that I wouldn't normally want, like chocolate, but I definitely feel good."

Join us on our Cleanse Journey

We want you to join us on this detoxifying journey; we are currently offering free BIA testing with our ROHP, Katie, as well as 15% off your own cleanse kit. Watch our live show from Day 2 here, and stay tuned for our next live shows airing on our Facebook page everyday at noon (weekends excluded) until Jan. 19th.

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