June 29, 2013

Medications to Avoid Before and After Facelift Surgery

Medications to Avoid Before Rhinoplasty Surgery

Some medications and herbal/natural supplements thin the blood, can cause bleeding during surgery and can affect your facelift recovery. For this reason Dr. Buonassisi will ask you to avoid certain medicines and supplements for 2 weeks before surgery.

Why Should You Comply?

Recovery time is important to facelift patients - who typically want to do everything they can to be looking and feeling great as quickly as possible after surgery. Blood thinning medications and supplements can increase the risk of a dangerous complication called a hematoma during surgery, and can prolong the recovery period by encouraging the formation of large bruises and prolonged swelling.

What About Your Prescription Medications?

You should never discontinue a prescription medication without the advice and approval of your family physician or prescribing physician. Please disclose all the medications and supplements (prescriptions, over the counter and natural/herbal supplements) that you take with Dr. Buonassisi during your pre operative consultation. If you are taking any medications that need to be discontinued for your surgery, you will be asked to check with your prescribing physician before hand. You should stop medications and supplements on this list:

  • Stop taking these products 2 weeks before your facelift (or now if your surgery is less than 2 weeks away)
  • You may resume taking these products 2 weeks after your surgery
  • You may take acetaminophen (Tylenol) as needed for minor aches and pains
  • This is not an exhaustive list - be sure to review all medicines and supplements that you are taking with your surgeon and patient care manager prior to surgery
  • If you have a ND providing advice on supplements to take pre and post operatively, please ensure they review this list - and be sure they have a list of your current and facelift related prescribed medications

Prescription or Over the Counter Products That Contain Aspirin or Other Salicylates Such as: Stop 2 Weeks Before and Resume 2 Weeks After Surgery

  • Aspirin
  • Motrin
  • Advil
  • Alka-Seltzer products
  • Anacin
  • Arthropan
  • Ascriptin
  • Aspergum
  • Asprimox
  • Bayer products
  • Bufferin
  • Doans
  • Ecotrin
  • Empirin
  • Excedrin products
  • Halfprin
  • Mobigesic
  • Pepto-Bismol
  • Saleto
  • Vanquish

Prescription or Over the Counter Products that Contain Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Agents

  • Dicloflenac (Voltarin, etc)
  • Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil)
  • Advil products
  • Aleve products
  • Dristan Sinus
  • Haltran
  • Ibuprofen products
  • Menadol
  • Midol Extra Strength
  • Motrin
  • Naproxen
  • any decongestant nasal sprays

Herbal Products and Other Natural Supplements

Stop taking ALL natural products, herbal medicines, vitamins, and other supplements 7 days before your surgery. They may be resumed 2 weeks after surgery. This is with the exception of herbal or other supplements that have been prescribed by your ND. Be sure your ND has this list, as well as a list of the facelift related medications that are prescribed to you for your surgery.

Blood Thinning Supplements

Some natural supplements in particular can cause blood thinning. It is important to discontinue all of these natural supplements for 2 weeks before surgery and you can resume 2 weeks after surgery.

  • agrimony
  • alfalfa
  • aniseed
  • artemesia
  • asa foetica
  • bishop's weed
  • bladderwrack
  • bochu
  • bogbean
  • boldo
  • bromelains
  • burdock
  • capsicum
  • cassio
  • celery seed
  • chamomile
  • Chinese wolfberry
  • chondroitin
  • clove
  • cod liver oil
  • coltsfoot
  • dandelion
  • danshen (salvia)
  • devil's claw
  • dihydroepiandrosteroe (DHEA)
  • dong quai (angelica)
  • ephedra
  • fenugreek
  • feverfew
  • fish oil
  • flax seed
  • gamma linoleic acid
  • garlic
  • ginger
  • ginkgo
  • ginseng
  • glucosamine
  • horse chestnut
  • horseradish
  • licorice
  • meadowsweet
  • melatonin
  • melilot
  • nattokinase
  • onion
  • pantethine
  • papain (papaya extract)
  • parsley
  • passionflower
  • policosanol
  • poplar
  • prickly ash
  • quassia
  • red clover
  • resveratrol
  • sea buckthorn
  • sweet clover
  • sweet woodruff
  • sj john's wort
  • tonka beans
  • turmeric
  • valerian
  • vinpocetine
  • vitamin E
  • wild carrot
  • wild lettuce
  • willow bark

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