June 12, 2017

Injectables: Facial Aging Plan from 30's to 50's

injectables aging plan

Everyone worries about hitting their 30's, 40's, and 50's. Dimples turn to wrinkles and after years of laughing, lines begin to etch into your face. But there's nothing to worry about. Banish those laugh lines, erase forehead lines, plump your lips back to their former selves, and straighten your folds, here's how.

What are they? Injectables are more commonly known as Botox injections, collagen fillers, and lip injections.

Botox is a neuromodulator that can be used to treat muscular conditions, as well as banish wrinkles by temporarily paralyzing the muscles.

Dermal fillers, such as hylauronic acid, can be uses to diminish facial lines and restore volume in the face by filling in the face where volume has been lost.

What injections should I get? Based on your age, there are more common injections to get. As we age, different parts of the face and neck begin to stretch and sag, causing wrinkles, creases, and folds. Injections can be done in your 30's, 40's, and 50's that will target these areas, reduce the effects of skin aging, and have your face looking as smooth as it did in high school.

  • Age: 30's: You might be a new mom, or buying your first house, and you worry a lot. Worry creases begin to appear in your early to late 30's, and may resemble two to three lines in between your  eyebrows. As a new mom, or a happy person overall, you probably find yourself smiling and laughing more often than not. Laugh lines appear around the mouth, and may have previously been called  dimples when you were a small child. Both laugh lines and worry creases can also be treated with Botox injections to lessen the deepening of these wrinkles.
  • Age 40's: Crow's feet begin to take shape around the eyes, so named because they resemble the feet  of a bird. If you're constantly furrowing your brow, or still worrying from your 30's, your forehead  wrinkles may have begun to deepen. Both crow's feet and deepening forehead creases can be  remedied with neuromodulators. Fillers are most commonly used to increase cheek volume, and plump up the lips, as facial volume may have begun to deteriorate in your 40's.
  • Age: 50's: In your 50's the skin may begin to sag due to a lack of collagen. You may also begin to  experience crisscross lines on your neck and nasolabial folds near your nose.  Dermal fillers can be  used to fill the cheeks, and the side of the face to bring back your youthful heart-shaped features  while Botox injections can be used to correct the nasolabial folds and crisscross lines on the neck.  Finally, the skin may become crepey textured, and require PRP Selphyl to correct the skin texture.

No matter how old you are, these procedures can slow down, and sometimes completely diminish the signs of aging in the face, and neck. Interested in surgical procedures to correct signs of aging? Book your complimentary pre-consultation at 8 West Clinic today.

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