December 25, 2012

I'm An Athlete. When Can I Go Back to My Sport?

I'm An Athlete. When Can I Go Back to My Sport?

What if you bump your nose after surgery? When can you start training again? When it comes to trauma - it's only a really hard bump - the kind that would give you a black eye for example - that you have to worry about. Training will have to wait for 2 weeks. We've had our share of hockey players and ski racers as patients. There are two things you need to consider as an athlete, especially if your sport is a big part of your life or you play it professionally.

2 Weeks Off Strenuous Activities

In the first week or so after surgery, there is the risk of bleeding. The risk is extremely low, however Dr. Buonassisi asks his patients to avoid any activities that can cause an elevation in blood pressure for 2 - 3 weeks after surgery. This includes heaving weight lifting, bending down to pick up heaving objects, and all forms of training (cardio, intervals, etc). Dr. Buonassisi recommends that you can get back to light activities one week after surgery, then resume more vigorous exercise two weeks after surgery.

Protect your new nose from Injury

If you can, wear a mask or a shield. You need to keep your nose out of situations where trauma to the face is a possibility.

Consider Delaying Surgery

Some sports are notorious for producing broken noses. If you are a boxer and you think there is a distinct possibility that you will break you nose, then consider waiting to have surgery until you retire. For most non-competitive or amateur sports, the chance of breaking your nose is low and we ask our patient to stay away from contact sports for 6 months or so.

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