May 12, 2016

How to Plan for a Summer Time Rhinoplasty

Before and after rhinoplasty at 8 West Cosmetic SurgeryBefore and after rhinoplasty at 8 West Cosmetic Surgery

Rhinoplasty is a procedure you've surely been planning for months, if not years, and naturally, you want to ensure you have all of the information you'll be needing prior to your surgery. This time of year the team at 8 West Cosmetic Surgery receives many inquiries from patients hoping to have surgery before their September school semester starts, and would like to have more information about what having surgery in the summer is like. In this post, we cover some of the most common questions related to having rhinoplasty over the summer months.

If I Want to Have Surgery This Summer, When Should I Schedule My Consultation?

Be sure to schedule your consultation immediately if you have not done so already! Summer is extremely popular since many patients are university students who want to have surgery after they graduate high school, before the September semester begins. Our summer schedule is almost fully booked. We will do our utmost to find everyone a surgery date, and the more lead time we have, the better.

Before and after rhinoplasty at 8 West Cosmetic Surgery

Before and after rhinoplasty at 8 West Cosmetic Surgery

If I Want to Be Recovered for the Start of School In September, When Should I Have Surgery?

The more recovery time you give yourself, the better. This just reduces stress related to wanting to look good for the first days of school. Many patients have surgery in April as soon as their last semester is over, enjoy their new now for the whole summer and then start school. Others wait until just before school starts. The choice is up to you. The vast majority of patients are ready to be seen in classes 2 weeks post surgery, so try to have surgery by mid to late August if you can. Keep reading to find out more about recovery.

What is the Recovery from Rhinoplasty Like?

Recovery time after having rhinoplasty is pretty straightforward. You can expect:

  • One week with a cast on your nose: One of our favorite parts about the rhinoplasty post op care that we provide to our patients is cast removal day. This is such an exciting day for all of us! Dr. Buonassisi loves to personally remove the case and let the patient have a glimpse of their new nose. It is quite remarkable how differently everyone 1 week post op some of them look great and could easily go have a drink on a patio without anyone noticing that they've had surgery. Others look very swollen and might even have remnants of bruising under their eyes and on their cheeks. Everyone bruises and swells differently.
  • One to two weeks of swelling and bruising: The vast majority of people are quite happy with how they look at the 2 week post surgery mark. Their nose is certainly still swollen (but just slightly) and it shouldn't be obvious they have had surgery. There is always the occasional patient who is still noticeably swollen at this time, but that's not the norm. Patients who have had tip refinement should keep in mind that swelling tends to hang around longest in the tip area, and it can take a few more months for the refinement to really show. Thick skin patients will have been thoroughly consulted when they met Dr. Buonassisi pre-operatively to discuss realistic expectations for that they can expect after surgery.

How Will I Feel After Rhinoplasty Surgery?

Most patients have moderate discomfort that is easily controlled by pain medication for the first few days. Don't tell anyone we said this...but after having treated hundreds of rhinoplasty patients a year for many years, we have noted that women find the recovery easier than men. Not sure why! The most annoying part of the recovery for most patients is the stuffy nose they will have until their cast comes off one week post surgery. Most patients take a couple of days off work, then can be back at their desks or computers doing stuff that doesn't involve seeing people (unless they aren't shy about the cast). Basically, you will be feeling fine a few days after surgery, but feeling cooped up because of the cast. We always encourage everyone to get out of the house if they can...put on a scarf and a hat and g for a walk!

Before and after rhinoplasty at 8 West Cosmetic Surgery

Before and after rhinoplasty at 8 West Cosmetic Surgery

When Can I Get Back to Summer Activities?

It is important to take 2 weeks off strenuous exercise following any surgery, and rhinoplasty is no exception. This is to decrease the chances of post surgery bleeding, which can happen when here is a spike in blood pressure. Our pre and post operative instructions and super comprehensive, and include information about refraining from medications that thin the blood and avoiding heavy lifting. Otherwise, you can continue all light activities, do some slow yoga (so long as you aren't hanging your head upside down), go for walks around the sea wall, etc. No Grouse Grinding friends!

What Kind of Sun Exposure is Safe After Rhinoplasty?

Patients should protect their face from the sun as they usually do. You can continue with sun exposure as usual, just be sure to protect your face. Wear sunscreen every day (and be sure to apply it to the incision) and wear a hat as you usually would. No lying out in the sun with the intent to get a tan, and no tanning booths. If you must tan, cover your nose completely with a towel or sun protective clothing. Remember - over 90% of skin aging is caused by sun exposure, so you will be keeping your nose and your skin in general protected.

Considering having rhinoplasty over the summer of 2016? Call us now at (604) 733-1669 to get on our consultation schedule to ensure you'll have a confirmed booking this summer with Dr. Buonassisi. We are almost completely booked so don't wait!

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