April 30, 2013

How Long Should I Stay in Vancouver After Cosmetic Surgery?

How Long Should I Stay in Vancouver After Cosmetic Surgery?

8 West Cosmetic Surgery is pleased to offer specialized services for our out of town rhinoplasty patients, of whom we have many! In addition to offering a virtual consultation (Dr. Buonassisi meets with you online and performs your computer imaging with a screen share), we can help make your trip to Vancouver a great one! Vancouver is an amazing city to recovery in. The recovery from surgery is typically quite straight forward and patients are encourage to get out and enjoy the scenery (we just ask you to keep your physical activity light).

How long you stay in Vancouver after cosmetic surgery will depend on 1) how far you have to travel to get home and 2) Dr. Buonassisi's asssessment of your situation during your consultation. Please be sure to discuss your health history and medications with him.

Ideally all our patients would stay 7 nights in Vancouver after nose surgery so that Dr. Buonassisi can remove their cast 1 week post operative and handle any medical complications personally. Vancouver is an amazing city and a great place to be during a recovery period - but we understand that a week long stay isn't always possible. Here are some guidelines for out of town patients to consider as they make their travel plans.

Is Travelling After Surgery Dangerous?

There are 2 uncommon but possible medical complications after surgery of any kind: bleeding and infection. We want to ensure that our out of town rhinoplasty patients plan their travel carefully so that they can seek medical attention for these complications if necessary.

Nose Bleed: The change in altitude on an airplane probably doesn't increase your chance of having a nose bleed, however our objective is to ensure that you aren't trapped on an airplane (or in a car far away from a hospital) in the rare event that you have a post surgical nose bleed. Dangerous nose bleeds after surgery are very uncommon - but when you make your travel plans please ensure that you can easily and quickly get to a hospital for treatment should you have this complication after surgery.

Infection: Many rhinoplasty surgeons prescribe antibiotics for their rhinoplasty patients making the chance of an infection extremely low. However, if you develop an infection post surgery, please be sure that you can get medical attention quickly. In general, here is what you can expect in terms of nights in Vancouver after surgery:

Your travel time home is less than 4 hours (total combined time in a car, ferry and airplane) - stay 2 nights in Vancouver after your surgery

If you live a short drive, ferry ride or flight from Vancouver, then you can most likely stay 2 nights in Vancouver after your surgery before you leave. This is usually the case with most of our patients from traveling from Vancouver Island, the sunshine coast, the BC interior, and Alberta. Just plan carefully so that you can get to a hospital quickly in the rare event that you have an nose bleed or infection. And be sure that Dr. Buonassisi is aware of your plans so that he can ok them. Discuss them with him during your surgical consultation and enlist the help of our patient care managers.

Your travel time home is more than 4 hours but less than 8 hours (total combined time in a car, ferry and airplane) - stay in Vancouver for 4 nights after surgery

For most of our patients traveling from Central or Northern North America, it is best for them to stay in Vancouver for 4 nights after surgery. Please be sure to discuss your travel plans with Dr. Buonassisi and have him assess accordingly.

Your travel time home is more than 8 hours (total combined time in a car, ferry and airplane) - stay in Vancouver for 7 nights after surgery

Patients traveling from Eastern North American, Europe or other parts of the world, it is best for you to stay in Vancouver for at least 7 nights after surgery. Please be sure to discuss your travel plans with Dr. Buonassisi and have him assess accordingly.

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