April 14, 2017

Cherry Angiomas

Cherry Angiomas Vancouver|

Their bright-red (or purple or, sometimes, even black) appearance may seem odd, but cherry angiomas are usually harmless. They are skin growths that can occur on almost any area of the body. Also known as cherry hemangiomas or Campbell de Morgan spots, they are usually found on people age 30 and older, their red hue is caused by a series of broken blood vessels inside. We tend to develop more of these little red blemishes as we get older, and many people associate them with aging.

Treating Cherry Angiomas in Vancouver, BC

At 8 West Clinic in Vancouver, Facial Plastic Surgeon Dr. Buonassisi and his team of skin specialists have treated many people for their angiomas. We perform a thorough consultation to help determine what type of angioma you have and how best to treat them.

What Are Cherry Angiomas?

Red, black or purple-coloured cherry angiomas often have a circular or oval shape and are usually quite small, ranging in size from a tiny pinpoint to a quarter of an inch in diameter. Some cherry angiomas appear smooth and even with your skin, while others can seem slightly raised.

What Causes Cherry Angiomas?

While the exact cause of cherry angiomas is unknown, there may be a genetic factor that makes certain people more apt to get them. Some research has even linked them to pregnancy, exposure to chemicals and climate. Interestingly, there does appear to be a fairly strong connection between cherry angiomas and age, in that they often begin to show up at age 30 or older, and seem to increase in size and number after that.

Cherry Angioma Removal

Although cherry angiomas won't go away on their own, a professional skin specialist can recommend safe and effective cherry angioma removal using a vascular laser, which uses laser/light energy to heat the blood vessels to a temperature that will break them down and shrink them, reducing and, often, completely eliminating their appearance above the surface of the skin. Find out more about BBL Photo Facial treatments which specifically target vascular conditions such as cherry angiomas and spider veins.

What Are You Waiting For?

If you're ready to experience clear, healthy skin for yourself, contact us or call (604) 733-1669. Our team of experts will work closely with you to design the best treatment plan, keeping your budget and downtime needs in mind, to help you achieve radiant skin that shines and glows. We offer the complete spectrum of medical services, both surgical and non-surgical, to help you get the results you desire. Let us help you get one step closer to loving your skin.

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