May 19, 2016

Broad Band Light and Why You Need It

There's a lot more you can be doing for your skin than cleansing and moisturizing. Sure, you can bump up your skincare regime with a good exfoliant, but is that it? For those of you who are looking to do something slightly more drastic with much more significant results, consider this: Broad band light. Broad band light therapy, which is also known as intense pulsed light, uses advances scientific technology to deliver incredible, long term results. Here's everything you need to know about broad band light and why you need it.

The Science Behind Broad Band Light

We get this question all the time, because at first, broad band light therapy can be difficult to understand: How does a BBL treatment work? The light energy delivered by our BBL™ Photo Facial and the slightly more drastic Forever Young BBL™ gently heats the upper layers of your epidermis, while the targeted areas absorb the heat. This absorption of heat stimulates the skin cells to regenerate new collagen, restoring your skin to its natural beauty. The process removes the skin's imperfections, including fine vessels causing redness and hyper-pigmentation which is also known as brown spots from the sun. This also results in a better skin texture, a more blended skin tone, and more vibrant looking skin.

How Frequently You Should Get a BBL

Broad band light therapy is best used when your skin has been free from harsh sun exposure for at least 30 days, so it's best to get your BBL treatments between sunny vacations and before the summer sun comes out. Our skin specialist at Fiore Skin Clinic will sometimes recommend several less in-depth BBL treatments over a period of time, as opposed to one aggressive treatment, both for a quick recovery and as a safety precaution. While it's up to the patient to decide how frequently they'd like to come in for a BBL treatment, one study by Stanford University saw significant results from two annual BBL treatments over a ten year period, which when compared to a test group not getting BBL treatments showed those receiving broad band light therapy hadn't aged at all - or had aged backwards!

Does a BBL Treatment Hurt?

Not much! The state-of-the-art BBL laser machine has advanced cooling features to prevent burning and to ensure minimal discomfort, which means your BBL will be slightly uncomfortable at most, feeling like little snaps on your skin. If you please, you can apply a topical anesthetic prior to your treatment, but we find that this usually isn't necessary and most patients leave comfortable and pleasantly surprised within 15-20 minutes. Get your BBL treatment before the sunshine comes out, and be glowing with new collagen for summer! Book your free consultation and decide along with our skincare specialist if broad band light therapy is for you.

Photos: Obsidianphotography,

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