April 29, 2016

4 Types of Wrinkles & How to Treat Them

They say that with age comes experience; but what they often forget to tell us is how much this experience seems to enjoy showing up on our faces. Fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin are a few of the changes we begin to notice as we grow older. Although some of us are more susceptible to certain types of facial lines or wrinkles than others, successfully treating them begins with understanding what types of wrinkles we have and which procedures produce the best results for each.

At the 8 West Clinic, we have identified the four major types of wrinkles among our patients as fine lines, dynamic wrinkles, static wrinkles, and folds. As each has its own cause and effect, it should come as no surprise that each should be be treated independently of the other. You will achieve the best results by seeking a highly qualified skin care specialist or Facial Plastic Surgeon, who can help guide you in selecting the correct treatment for your skin.

Here we take a good look at each category of wrinkle, and what the most effective means of treatment is.

Fine Lines

Fine lines in the skin usually begin to appear in our late 20s and early 30s, most often around the delicate eye area, which is particularly vulnerable due to its thinness. Faint lines are also common around the mouth and between the brows.

Unlike deeper wrinkles, fine lines respond well to less-invasive procedures; one of the most common being a medical-grade peel. Also known as the ''red carpet peel,'' this quick, non-surgical procedure is performed in office, has no down time, and is designed to treat fine lines, large pore size and dullness among other things.

Preventing the fine lines from getting deeper is usually the patient's main concern, which is accomplished with a combination of skin care products (and of course sun screen) and BBL Forever young, a no downtime treatment that stimulates collagen and helps keep the skin younger for longer.

Dynamic Wrinkles

Dynamic wrinkles are formed as a result of repetitive facial movements and often show up in greater severity after the age of 35.

Most commonly found on the forehead, as crow's feet at the corners of the eyes and between the brows (commonly referred to as the ''11s''), a dramatic reduction of dynamic wrinkles is only produced by using muscle-relaxing agents.

Botox and Dysport are neurotoxins used to successfully treat dynamic wrinkles by relaxing the muscles, as the active ingredient in these agents impedes the nerve impulses that cause facial muscles to contract. A non-surgical procedure administered by injection, dynamic wrinkles treated this way will show dramatic improvement immediately and often remain that way for a period of up to 3 months.

"Our Vancouver Botox patients are looking for natural looking results", says nurse injector Jillian Fyvie, "which is totally achievable when we have a comprehensive consultation so I can learn about their objectives". She adds that natural looking results come from good communication, and placing the right amount of the medication in the correct areas.

Static Wrinkles

Static wrinkles are defined as those which are visible at rest and no longer disappear when the face is relaxed. They can appear anywhere on the face, and are generally the result of a loss of fat, collagen and elasticity, as well as the effects of gravity. Many dynamic wrinkles eventually become static wrinkles over time.

Dramatic improvement for static wrinkles can be found with Broad Band Light (BBL) treatments, or laser skin resurfacing. BBL® is a non-surgical laser technology which delivers light to the upper layers of the epidermis, stimulating it to produce new collagen. Laser skin resurfacing such as Halo® Hybrid Fractional Laser and the Sciton® Contour TRL, on the other hand, work by precisely removing the outer layers of skin and stimulating the growth of collagen.


Folds refer to deep facial or nasolabial folds which run along the corners of the mouth to the corners of the nose, or down from the corners of the mouth to the chin. They can begin as early as our 20s, and they are caused largely by a loss of facial volume, which is also exacerbated by a trim physique with little body fat.

Treated successfully with dermal fillers such as Restylane or Perlane, this non-surgical procedure is administered by injection. Common sites which respond favourably to dermal fillers include nasolabial folds, marionette lines, hollow temples, cheeks and lips.

Ask the Experts

Facial Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Buonassisi, treats patients both surgically and non-surgically and is quick to point out that when it comes to treating wrinkles, huge advances have been made over the last decade.

''Today patients have the advantage of a variety of treatment options. This includes procedures that require little down time and produce subtle changes, to those that produce more dramatic results such as laser skin resurfacing.''

If you would like to explore your options for treating wrinkles, please feel free to take advantage of our complimentary skin consultations by contacting us here.

Photos: Unsplash, Unsplash

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