February 13, 2013

10 Ways to Beat the Post-Surgery Slump

10 Ways to Beat the Post-Surgery Slump

Some minor discomfort aside, the first week after rhinoplasty can be challenging. With a cast on your nose and, perhaps, a bit of temporary bruising and puffiness around your eyes and cheeks, you may feel like your only option is to hide indoors. Here's our list of 10 things you can do to ensure you feel good in the first week following surgery.

1. Do the prep work. It will be well worth your while to do some forward planning in the weeks leading up to your procedure. Knowing what to expect and having the tools on-hand to help you through your recovery (necessary items, like any medications prescribed by your surgeon, plus plenty of books, movies and magazines to keep you engaged and entertained) can make that first week more manageable - even fun!

2. Sweat it out. Your nose needs time to heal, which means you'll have to take it easy and stick to light activities like walking for the first week after your rhinoplasty. If you're a fitness buff who barely misses a day at the gym, you may want to bump up your exercise routine right before your surgery to even things out - a couple extra minutes on the treadmill never hurt anyone!

3. Don't lay TOO low. Though you may be too groggy to do much in the first day or two following your nose job, you'll soon feel well enough to resume most of your normal, non-strenuous activities, like walking, cooking and even visiting with friends. Try and get back into a ''light'' routine as quickly as possible - not only can lying around be depressing, being active is actually preferable for a comfortable and healthy recovery.

4. Put down the PJs! We know, we know - it's definitely tempting to stay in your pajamas full time when you're stuck at home recovering from surgery. But many patients say it actually feels better to get up, get dressed and get back to doing semi-normal activities during the early stages of recovery.

5. Get outside. While doing laps at the pool is out of the question, some light walking will actually help your recovery. If you're self-conscious about your cast, put on a hat, slap on some sunglasses, wrap a scarf around your neck and head out the door. You can even invite a friend or two along to keep you company; just remind them that it's not a race. It's important to keep your activity level light during the early stages of recovery.

6. Yoga at home. YouTube and other websites offer a wealth of free online yoga classes and routines; or, just pop a stretching DVD into your player. As long as the activity isn't strenuous and doesn't require you to hang your head upside-down, it's likely safe for you to do. If you aren't certain, ask your surgeon.

7. Host with the most. If you feel too self-conscious to eat at a restaurant, invite some friends over host a dinner party. No need to over-exert yourself cooking a five-course meal: just order in some food and watch a movie or marathon TV with your best pals.

8. Note to self. Documenting your recovery in a journal, blog or even a vlog (video diary) is a great way to keep busy and stay on top of your progress. Track things like bruising, swelling and your energy levels on a daily basis; if you choose to share your entries online you may even cyber-connect with others going through a similar experience.

9. Play catch-up. Whatever's been on your to-do list, whether it's work or personal, a full week of recovery from surgery is the perfect time to get things done. Strenuous activities aside (i.e., don't start training for a marathon or painting your ceilings), being home bound has its perks when it comes to taking care of certain ''business''.

10. Take a little "me" time. You may not be lying on a beach, but thinking of your week long recovery from rhinoplasty as a mini vacation can help put you in a good mindset. Remember to take it easy and treat yourself well during this time, whether that means catching up on your reading list or doing some personal/spiritual development.

Remember, you're never alone during your recovery from rhinoplasty. If you need support or have any questions during this time, contact the friendly, professional staff at 8 West Cosmetic Surgery.

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